Background (Club’s financial position)

 The Club’s main source of income is subscriptions and green fees from members, which we supplement with receipts from our bar, social events and hirings of the Clubhouse.

As we have only a small membership keeping our “heads above water” financially is a struggle, and last year  (2020-2021) we made a loss,  as was aslo the case the year before- but in both these years our activities were impacted by Covid

Historically the Council subsidised the bowling clubs that, like us, are based in one of the Council’s parks, but this arrangement ended in 2017 and we now have to pay the Council the full cost of maintaining the bowling green- this is overwhelmingly the largest item of regular expenditure for the Club.

Although we are financially OK for the moment, we do need to increase the number of members and we are also seeking to expand the range of users of the Club facilities.


The Club is registered with the tax authorities as a “Community Amateur Sports Club. Consequently we are within the “Gift Aid” scheme, and can reclaim an amount equal to basic rate Income Tax on any donations made to us by UK Income Tax payers (not just members). This requires the donation to be made by cheque (not cash) and the necessary ( but simple) paperwork has to be done, but it does mean that if we receive  a £80 donation we can turn that into £100.

So - all such donations will be gratefully received, but, sadly, membership fees do not count for this purpose!

If you click on the link  BELOW you can download and then print off a Gift Aid form specific to the Club. Please send the completed form to us with your donation.  

FPBC Gift Aid Form

© 2019 Friary Park BowlS Club